There would be 2 parts to complete set up different items printed by different printer stations.
Part 1: Set up your item with different “Printer Labels” on Clover Dashboard
- Login into your own Clover account from this link:
- On the left-side menu, go to the “Inventory” section and then click on the “Printer Labels” button
- You will navigate to a Labels page and can see your current Label and you can also create new labels by clicking on the “Add Label” button.
- We will use the current Label “A” and “B” to continue the instruction. On the Printer Label Page, click on Label “A” and you will navigate to the Detail page of this label.
- On this page, click on “items” and you can see the item(s) already assigned to this Printer Label or you can also press the “Edit” button to modify your item assigning.
- For example, in the following picture, we select items AAA, BBB, and Test in this Printer Label “A” and click “Save”
- Then we go back to the Printer Label page by clicking the “inventory Labels” navigation button at the top, Go back and select another Lablel “B” to do the same edit on it, with assigning item CCC to this Label and click “Save button”
- Then The setting on the Clover Dashboard is done.
Part 2: Setup your Printer Station with different Printer Labels at Clover POS
- Open your POS and select the “Printers” App.
- You will navigate to the page that contains all the printers you have for both RECEIPT PRINTER & ORDER PRINTER. For example, if you want to set the ORDER PRINTER with the specific label to print. Click on the ORDER PRINTER.
- Then you will see the existing label that you set in Part 1 on the Clover Dashboard, select any of them you want this order printer to print and click “Save”
- Next is for Online Printer Setup (for Kiosk Order” Go back to the Printer’s Page and click on the “Manage printing preferences for Online Ordering” button.
- You will see 2 options here. If you don’t want to set up a printer to print “Full Order Ticket” for online orders, can just leave it as unselected. At the same time, you can see the Printer you just set with Label will pop up in the first Option “ Select Printer for labeled Items”. Click on it to change the “Label” printing from this printer and click “Save”.
- The last step is verification, go to your kiosk and make some items included in this Printer Label and not included in this label and place the order. Then you should only see the item from Label B printed out from the printer station you just assigned on the POS.