To access your sales report follow the below instructions:
1. Please login INFI Dashboard
2. Navigate to Reports on the left side margin
3. Click "Sales Summary"
From here click on the calendar and then click on the date you want to start with and then click on the date you want to end with to view the time frame. Below is a breakdown of what each of the sections of the report means.
Gross Sales: This represents the total sales you've achieved within your selected date range.
Discounts: These are the total discounts provided to customers. Please note that this line will not appear if you haven't set up any automatic discounts or promo codes on INFI.
Net Sales: Net sales are calculated as Gross Sales minus Discounts.
Tax and Tip: These figures denote the tax and tip amounts collected through the kiosk.
Total Sales: Total Sales is the result of deducting tax and tips from Net Sales. It provides you with an accurate representation of your actual sales after accounting for taxes and tips.
Total Collected: This figure is identical to Total Sales, and we provide a detailed breakdown below Total Collected for your convenience.
Fees: The Fees represent the Credit Card Processing fee charged by the Card Processing company.
Net Total: Net Total is the precise amount that gets transferred to your bank account after deducting the Fees.
Effective Rate: This percentage is calculated as Fees divided by Total Collected. It informs you about the percentage of the Credit Card Processing fee relative to your total collections.