If the date and time do not match your current timezone, you may experience issues such as "Something went wrong" or the kiosk lagging after connecting to the internet. To resolve this, follow these steps:
- Reboot the kiosk by turning off the power and then turning it on again.
- Click on "OS Tools."
- Click on "System Settings."
- Turn off the "Use Network Synchronization Time Zone" option.
- Click on "System Time Zone."
- Click "More."
- Click "Time Zone."
- Select your correct time zone.
- Click on the top left corner to go back, and then return to "System Settings."
- Turn on "Use Network Synchronization Time Zone."
- Click on the top left corner twice to return to the main screen. Check the top left corner to ensure the time is correct.
- Click "INFI Kiosk" to return to the kiosk app.