For connecting Square printer with INFI Kiosk, please follow this guide:
Before you begin
Make sure your printers are connected. If you haven’t connected your printers, learn more about setting up your printer.
Make sure your items are assigned to an item category, such as appetizers, beverages, etc. If you haven’t done so already, learn how to create and manage item categories
Configuring your printer profile for kitchen routing will include:
- Mapping out all of the printer profiles you will need, according to your kitchen workflow and prep stations.
- Creating the printer profiles for each station and determine what item categories will be assigned to those station’s profiles.
- Linking the printer profiles to their corresponding point of sale devices.
In general, you will want one printer profile for each prep station that has its own printer, with special considerations for online order tickets noted below. Each printer profile should be given an easy to understand name (e.g. “Hot food”) and configured with the right Categories to print for that prep station.
As an example, a “hot station” will have the item category “pizzas, appetizers, sandwiches—hot” selected under Categories to Print.
Create a printer profile on Square Dashboard or POS device that can print INFI order
The first step of creating printer profiles can be done on Square Dashboard or directly on your point of sale device. Once a printer profile is created, it will become available as an option on all of your point of sale devices that are logged into your account.
To create a printer profile from Dashboard:
- On Square Dashboard, navigate to Settings > Device Management > Profiles > Printer profiles.
- Click Create profile.
- Give the profile a descriptive name such as “hot prep station”.
- Click Online order tickets and toggle it on.
- Scroll down and toggle on "Automatic print online orders".
- Click Categories to print and select the item categories that will be routed to this station.
- Click Save.
Repeat these steps until you have created all the printer profiles you need.
Assign a printer profile to a printer on your POS device
- On the POS device, go to Settings > Hardware > Printers.
- A list of all connected printers will be displayed. Determine the printer you would like to print to.
- If you are unsure how to identify your printer, the auto-generated names include the last few digits of the MAC address for network printers.
- You can tap a printer in the list and tap “test print”. This will send a test receipt to the printer and you can confirm if it is the intended printer.
- On the printer detail page, under “Printer profile” tap Assign.
- Select the printer profile configured for this prep station’s categories, such as “hot prep station” in the example above. Note: You can select multiple printer profiles for the printer. This is useful if you need to print multiple types of jobs, such as receipts or ticket stubs, to the same printer. Be careful that no profiles are configured for the same exact settings, or you will get duplicate prints.
- Tap Save.
- Repeat this on every point of sale device that will be firing orders to the kitchen.