Here's the guide for setting up Toast Printer. Once printer is connected INFI order will automatically print out from your printer.
Access Printer Setup on Your POS
When you turn on your Toast hardware for the first time when installing, you'll be guided through the printer install and setup. At any point, you can access the printer setup page to add or replace a printer, check your printer status, or troubleshoot your printer.
From the main menu of the Toast app on your device, navigate to Setup > Printer Setup.
Here, you'll see the overall health of your existing printers. In the example below, there is one printer connected and two printers that are showing offline.
Check Your Printer Status
- Select Check status on the Printer Setup page to refresh the page and see the most current status of your printers.
- Select a specific printer to view all of the printer's settings, print a test ticket, or print a test receipt.